
Use the shortcode to display a list of releases without using Gutenberg blocks.

Display a list of releases

[repo-releases url=""]

Mandatory shortcode parameters:

  • url: The repository URL.

Optional shortcode parameters:

  • headline_level: The h level of each release title. Can be any number between 1 and 6. Default: 3.
  • show_download_link: Enables or disables the download link for the first release artefact. Can be “true” or “false”. Default: true.
  • link_headline: Enables or disables the linking of the release headline to the release details page. Can be “true” or “false”. Default: true.
  • show_description: Enables or disables the displaying of the release description (often referred as release notes). Can be “true” or “false”. Default: true.
  • latest: The maximal number of releases to show. Can be any positive number. Omit to show all releases (default).
  • after: Show releases only after the defined date. The date has to be in the format “Y-m-d”, e.g. “2023-02-01”. See the PHP docs for more information. Omit to show all releases (default).
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